1 min readFeb 9, 2021


“The Melting Hours” (alternative title of the work) was written in just a few hours while the artist’s wife was in the cinema with her friends. Dali stayed home, referring to a severe headache. It is believed that the author himself was inspired about this by the reflection of the image of a flowing clock on Camember cheese. The variable shape and processability of the cheese contributed to the strange connotations that the artist immediately reproduced on the canvas. In addition to the cloak image, the painting also depicted a dried olive tree, a leafless, cut tree trunk. According to the artist, she decided to look at the canvas she had started before going to bed after dinner. The depicted landscape seemed to him the basis of a deeper conspiracy – the painting clearly needed some kind of idea. Tormented by a migraine, Dali was about to go to bed, but inspired by thoughts about the nature of the processed cheese, there was an image of a clock flowing from the olive branch. Despite feeling unwell, the brilliant painter took his brush and finished one of his most famous works that same evening.

